Ultra-Trace Elemental Analysis in High-Purity Sulfuric Acid | PerkinElmer

Application Note

Ultra-Trace Elemental Analysis in High-Purity Sulfuric Acid

Ultra-trace elemental analysis in sulfuric acid


The production of electronic devices is a complex process that requires the use of ultra-pure chemicals during the manufacturing steps. High-purity-grade sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is generally used for cleaning components and etching all metal and organic impurities on silicon wafers.

Impurities in sulfuric acid, or any other chemicals used in semiconductor fabrication, can critically impact device quality and yield. This work describes the analysis of 52 elements in high-purity sulfuric acid using the NexION® 5000 Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS, which delivers the outstanding analytical performance required by the semiconductor industry for difficult matrices such as 10% H2SO4.