Comprehensive Solutions for Dairy Analysis | PerkinElmer


Comprehensive Solutions for Dairy Analysis


Today’s dairy farmers, processors, and inspectors work diligently to develop and deliver safe, high-quality, consistent products – but at the same time, ingredient quality and safety, market dynamics, and employee skill levels are in constant flux. That’s why it’s more important than ever to have reliable, precise, efficient analytical solutions you can depend on throughout the dairy manufacturing process – from collection to transport, from processing to loadout. Solutions that comply with internationally recognized standards like IDF, ISO, ICAR, and AOAC, so you know your products are safe, wholesome, and nutritious.

We offer a comprehensive portfolio of solutions for dairy testing covering all stages of the dairy supply chain:

  • Farm and collection – to ensure that farmers and brokers are offering safe and high-quality raw milk, while also realizing a fair price for their product
  • Transport and receiving – to identify non-conforming milk prior to consolidation in a tanker, reducing the potential for losses and waste
  • Processing and loadout - to maintain consistency, safety and compliance of dairy ingredients and finished products to brand standards

PerkinElmer: Your single source for innovative dairy testing solutions, delivering trusted technology, reliable support, and committed expertise.