Detailed Hydrocarbons & Simulated Distillation Analysis | PerkinElmer

Detailed Hydrocarbons & Simulated Distillation Analysis


A complete, turn-key solution for Simulated Distillation

Simulated Distillation (SimDist) is a gas chromatographic method designed to simulate the actual physical distillation of petroleum products and materials. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has approved methods (D2887, 7096, 6352, 7169, 7213 and 7500) which address defined hydrocarbon ranges. The Simulated Distillation software incorporates these approved methods. Each method details gas chromatographic parameters consistent with its scope and boiling range.

Utilizing the PerkinElmer Dragon SimDis Software, a chromatographic run representing the hydrocarbon sample is sectioned into uniform area slices using integration parameters set in a TotalChrom method. Boiling temperatures are assigned to a time axis using a calibration standard.

Products & Services (1)
Detection Method
  • ASTM 2887 (1)
  • ASTM 6352 (1)
  • ASTM 7169 (1)
  • ASTM 7500 (1)
Product Compatibility
  • Clarus 590 PPC (1)
  • Clarus 690 PPC (1)
  • Model 3023 (1)
  • Model 3023x (1)

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1-1 of 1 Products & Services

  • SimDis_700x700

    Simulated Distillation Analyzers

    Simulated Distillation (SimDist) is a gas chromatographic method designed to simulate the actual physical distillation and true boiling point distribution of petroleum raw materials and products. Effectively utilizing SimDist can save refinery operations considerable time and money historically spent on labor intensive manual distillation activities. PerkinElmer offers analyzers to perform ASTM SimDist methods, utilizing our industry leading Claus® gas chromatograph instrument. Our turn-key simulated distillation solution pairs our analyzer with PerkinElmer’s Dragon SimDist© software, providing the efficient and accurate calculations needed to make operational and quality decisions at refineries.
Resource Library (1)

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