Oil Condition Monitoring & Testing Systems | PerkinElmer

Oil Condition Monitoring

Contamination Testing and Analysis for Lubricating Oils

Monitoring oil condition for contamination's such as soot, water, glycol, unburned fuel, chemical degradation such as oxidation, nitration, sulphur compounds, and ester breakdown; and additive depletion is crucial to preventing lubricant failure and costly equipment damage.

Our automated Clarus® GC systems provide analytical options for the determination of contamination of in-service oils like gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel. Boasting the fastest injection-to-injection time, the Clarus 690 GC will boost your productivity and improve your ROI.

When the Clarus GC system is paired with our TurboMatrix Headspace sampler, it enables you to quantify coolant contaminates in oil accurately and efficiently. Simply put, it’s the fast, simple, rugged solution that delivers ultimate productivity, versatility, sensitivity, and analytical precision.

Benefits of Our Fuel Contamination Testing Technologies

  • Deeper, specific insights into the state of oil
  • Precise results on fuel or coolant contamination levels
  • Precise and effective scheduling of preventative maintenance
  • Low carry over due to the leading patent technology of HS

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