Rice Testing Solutions| Quality & Safety Analyzers | PerkinElmer
Grain rice milling

Rice Milling

Rice milling is an exacting business. Poor quality rice can lead to poor milling yields and even broken or cracked rice, which can affect quality and customer satisfaction. Additionally, during growth, rice plants can uptake arsenic and concentrate it in the rice kernels if grown in contaminated soils. Our solutions help breeders identify and develop new strains of rice, help millers maximize yield and quality, and help protect consumers by measuring heavy metals and trace elements.

Rice Milling Related Content

Screening Ingredients

Test incoming rice for moisture and pasting characteristics to ensure best use and process outcome.

Fast Digestion Analysis of Lead and Cadmium in Rice Using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption

Lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) are common pollutants in grains and are extremely toxic. Pb is harmful to human organs even at trace levels, and once it accumulates in the body, it causes inhibition of hemoglobin formation and neurological disorders. Cd is even classified as human carcinogen [Group 1 - a ...

Analysis of Multi-Residue Pesticides in Rice by LC/MS/MS

Due to the large number of pesticides potentially used in rice production, the use of multi-residue methods capable of determining many pesticides in one single run is the most efficient approach. In this study, a fast, sensitive and selective multiresidue method has been developed for analysis of o ...

Rice (Japanese) method - RVA 22.03

Rice sensory quality is of prime importance throughout Asia where rice is a staple food. This RVA method, developed by The Food Agency in Japan, provides a longer profile than Method 10, to better discriminate between rice samples of similar quality.

Rice bran - DA 7250

Rice bran is a by-product of the rice millng process, and is an important ingredient in many animal feeds. As such, its nutritional content is of high importance, and rapid analysis of parameters such as moisture, oil and protein are great benefit to rice processors as well as feed producers. Tis ap ...

Rice RVA Method 10.05

Rice pasting quality is largely dictated by the quality of its starch component, which varies considerably between varieties. The pasting qualities are related to the sensory parameters in whole rice, and are also critical for other uses such as adjuncts in brewing. Combining speed, precision, flexi ...

Grain Testing Solutions Brochure

The grain industry is very complex. It’s global, diverse, and can also present analytical challenges. Today’s grain users demand more when it comes to quality, safety, and uniformity. In addition, they seek diverse products with unique characteristics. PerkinElmer is equipped to help the grain indus ...

Commodity Process Monitoring, Management and Optimization

Rice flour gelatinization temperature method - RVA 43.01

The onset temperature of rice flour gelatinization has historically been estimated using AACC Method 61-01 - Amylograph method for milled rice (20% solids). This method requires a large quantity of sample, which is often not available for those involved in activities such as rice breeding or researc ...

Rice bran - DA 7250

Rice bran is a by-product of the rice millng process, and is an important ingredient in many animal feeds. As such, its nutritional content is of high importance, and rapid analysis of parameters such as moisture, oil and protein are great benefit to rice processors as well as feed producers. Tis ap ...

Rice RVA Method 10.05

Rice pasting quality is largely dictated by the quality of its starch component, which varies considerably between varieties. The pasting qualities are related to the sensory parameters in whole rice, and are also critical for other uses such as adjuncts in brewing. Combining speed, precision, flexi ...

Grain Testing Solutions Brochure

The grain industry is very complex. It’s global, diverse, and can also present analytical challenges. Today’s grain users demand more when it comes to quality, safety, and uniformity. In addition, they seek diverse products with unique characteristics. PerkinElmer is equipped to help the grain indus ...

Finished Product Verification

Test milled rice for quality and texture parameters to ensure customer satisfaction and pallatability.

Arsenic Speciation Analysis in Rice Following Method GB 5009.11-2014 to Ensure Safety

Rice represents a dietary staple for over half of the world's population. However, in recent years, concerns have been raised over the presence of high levels of arsenic (As), where this carcinogenic metalloid can be accumulated at levels far exceeding ambient concentrations. Since China is the worl ...

Rice bran - DA 7250

Rice bran is a by-product of the rice millng process, and is an important ingredient in many animal feeds. As such, its nutritional content is of high importance, and rapid analysis of parameters such as moisture, oil and protein are great benefit to rice processors as well as feed producers. Tis ap ...

Rice RVA Method 10.05

Rice pasting quality is largely dictated by the quality of its starch component, which varies considerably between varieties. The pasting qualities are related to the sensory parameters in whole rice, and are also critical for other uses such as adjuncts in brewing. Combining speed, precision, flexi ...

Grain Testing Solutions Brochure

The grain industry is very complex. It’s global, diverse, and can also present analytical challenges. Today’s grain users demand more when it comes to quality, safety, and uniformity. In addition, they seek diverse products with unique characteristics. PerkinElmer is equipped to help the grain indus ...

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Reliable, Efficient, Easy-to-Use Solutions for Rice Testing