Single Particle ICP-MS | PerkinElmer

Single Particle ICP-MS

Fast, accurate nanoparticle characterization is becoming increasingly important as nanotechnology becomes more prevalent in consumer, industrial, biotech, and healthcare products.

Characterizing nanoparticles with conventional techniques can take hours of analysis time and manual calculations. However, the NexION® ICP-MS single particle analyzer is uniquely equipped to handle the challenges involved with nanoparticle detection and nanomaterial research, delivering the specificity, resolution, and sensitivity required to ensure fast, reliable results. It combines exceptional data acquisition rates with proprietary software to deliver full characterization in a single run.

With the NexION ICP-MS platform, you benefit from:

  • A single particle analyzer with proprietary software and best-in-class data acquisition rates (100,000 points/sec)
  • Particle concentration, composition, size and distribution, dissolution and agglomeration tracking in a single run
  • Patented real-time signal processing for instant differentiation between ionic and particulate fractions
  • Full characterization in 60 seconds or less

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