Thank you to our thousands of employees from around the world who have shaped PerkinElmer's strong heritage for over seven decades and counting through their knowledge, expertise and passion for advancing science and making life even better. We look forward to continuing to play a critical role as we innovate for a healthier world. Read below as current and past employees share their perspectives on our past, present and future global impact.

 Kenny Hawblitz. Senior Field Engineer, 1981–1986.

Kenny Hawblitz

"PerkinElmer was very fundamental in helping win the Cold War, as some of the instruments were in many of the federal labs working on all aspects of weapons research. I was fortunate to be involved in many of those as a field engineer...I felt great pride in our part in the construction of the Hubble Telescope…it is one of the great wonders of the world!" — Kenny Hawblitz, Senior Field Engineer, 1981–1986

Michael Nilsson. Development Engineer, 2012-Present.

Michael Nilsson

"PerkinElmer has had many great achievements in its over 75 year history. Specifically in life sciences, with increased research in biology, microbiology and biomedical sciences, PerkinElmer has been at the forefront in providing automation solutions to optimize and accelerate assays, research, and the field in general. As human and environmental health become increasingly interconnected, PerkinElmer’s expertise will be pivotal in developing technologies that address current and future challenges and provide meaningful answers at the right time, to an ever changing world." — Michael Nilsson, Development Engineer, 2012–Present

Linda Carter. Area Manager, Diagnostics, 1986-Present.

Linda Carter

"PerkinElmer has given back to the newborn screening community over the years by not only making quality and environmentally friendly products and providing outstanding support, but also sponsoring meetings and awards, donating to the newborn screening community organizations and working with underdeveloped countries to add screening on all babies. The PerkinElmer sales and support teams are dedicated and know our products, services and people are making a difference by expanding and improving newborn screening worldwide."
Linda Carter, Area Manager, Diagnostics, 1986–2014

Ulrich Meier. Product Specialist, Gas Chromatography, 1982-Present.

Ulrich Meier

"The development of the headspace gas chromatography technique (HS-GC) is a method used for the automated determination of alcohol in blood, as well as analyzing flavors and light boiling compounds in drinking water, beer and food. It is one of the most important techniques to help improve lives. Looking ahead, as food regulations become more of a global concern, we should continue to develop technologies that address customers' needs in this area." — Ulrich Meier, Product Specialist, Gas Chromatography 1982–Present

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine. Invented by Doug De Ment, Quality Assurance Manager, 1983-2001.

Doug De Ment

Courtesy of the Chemical Heritage Foundation Collections

"I was in the meeting of the early 1990's when Perkin-Elmer was asked to make a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine. By 1995, Perkin-Elmer [had] sold its 30,000th "thermal cycler." Perkin-Elmer instruments people were essential to bringing PCR into becoming a viable, routinely manufactured product. That changed the world." — Doug De Ment, Quality Assurance Manager, 1983–2001

Inventions by Richard Janezic, 1979-1990.

Richard Janezic

"It was a fascinating time to be in the industry and to be a part of Perkin-Elmer transitioning from the age of stand-alone bench top instruments with paper chart recorders, to software driven and highly automated instruments that were directly and tightly integrated with client's quickly expanding computer systems."
Richard Janezic, 1979–1990