Glutomatic System | PerkinElmer

Glutomatic System

Trust the world standard for measuring Gluten Index, gluten quantity and quality in flour, wheat, durum and semolina. PerkinElmer’s simple and rapid Glutomatic system enables users to confidently identify and blend the right wheats, flours, and vital wheat gluten for their finished products – be they leavened breads, flat breads, cakes, cookies, or pasta. It delivers more reproducible results than traditional hand washing methods and testing can be performed on wheat/durum meals negating the need to extract flour. An automated workflow improves productivity and enables the versatility that millers and bakeries truly need to meet growing and changing customer demands.

Perten Glutomatic 2000 System

The world standard for gluten quantity and quality determination. When baking bread and producing noodles or pasta, the flour gluten content and strength will determine the quality of the finished product. The Perten Glutomatic® System is the world standard for determination of gluten quantity and quality.

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