Avio 200 Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer | PerkinElmer


Avio 200 Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer


Capable of handling even the most difficult, high-matrix samples without dilution, PerkinElmer’s Avio® 200 hybrid-scanning system brings a whole new level of performance and flexibility to ICP. What's more, that unprecedented performance comes with unparalleled ease-of-use. Unique hardware features and the industry’s most intuitive software combine to make multi-element measurements as easy as single-element analyses.

The smallest ICP on the market, Avio 200 offers efficient operation, reliable data, and low cost of ownership by delivering:

  • The lowest argon consumption of any ICP
  • The fastest ICP startup (spectrometer ready in just minutes from power on)
  • Superior sensitivity and resolution for all elements of interest
  • Extended linear range with dual viewing technology
  • Download the brochure to learn more about the unique capabilities and benefits of PerkinElmer's Avio 200 hybrid-scanning ICP-OES.