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Titanium (Ti) alloys are well-known superalloys due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent mechanical properties, corrosion and high temperature resistance and biocompatibility. In current national standards (e.g., ASTM E2371-13, China National Standard GB/T 4698 and industry standard HB 7716.13), ICP-OES is the specified technique for the determination of elements in the concentration range from percent to ppm in alloy due to its advantages of high matrix tolerance, wide linear range and multi-element analysis capabilities3-5. However, one of the challenges of analyzing Ti alloys with ICP-OES is spectral interference caused by matrix elements: Ti, Al, V and Fe.

This application note describes the analysis of Ti64 alloy samples for major and trace elements using the Avio® 550 Max fully simultaneous ICP-OES, demonstrating its excellent capability to accurately measure complex matrices.