Analysis of PPCPs in Drinking Water at Low PPT Levels by Online SPE-UHPLC-MS/MS | PerkinElmer

Application Note

Analysis of PPCPs in Drinking Water at Low PPT Levels by Online SPE-UHPLC-MS/MS

Online SPE-UHPLC-MS/MS for analysis of PPCPs in water


Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) are an emerging environmental concern, and include human and veterinary prescription and over-the-counter medications, sunscreens, lotions, soaps, and insect repellants. These commonly encountered products can enter the environment through various sources, including municipal wastewater, polluting ground water, surface water, and even drinking water. The analytical challenge associated with PPCP testing is the wide variety of chemical classes/ types that are typically present at parts per trillion (ng/L) concentrations in drinking water. The automated approach described in this application note allows for significant and efficient analyte concentration, obviating the need for elaborate and time-consuming sample preparation procedures, and thus improving productivity, reducing solvent usage and laboratory waste.