NexION 1100 ICP-MS - Reinventing the Routine | PerkinElmer


NexION 1100 ICP-MS - Reinventing the Routine


Today’s busiest, highest-throughput testing labs spend a good deal of their efforts and resources running routine trace-elemental analyses that rely on everyday applications. And many of the technicians running these well-defined methods are novice users who could benefit from more simple, straightforward instrumentation. But regardless of application and user skill level, these industries demand accuracy and repeatability from their results – no excuses.

The NexION® 1100 quadrupole ICP-MS delivers on all these requirements. It builds on a 40+ history of innovation and a strong tradition of reliable, easy-to-use, low-maintenance instrumentation, delivering a robust, cost-efficient, modern solution for everyday applications.

Download the brochure to learn more.