Whether you're looking for a horizontal or vertical torch, we have what you need. We offer a wide selection of torches for your ICP-OES and ICP-MS applications, including:
The right consumables, accessories, methods and application support are as integral to the success of your laboratory as your instrumentation. That’s why we invest heavily in testing and validating our complete portfolio of solutions to ensure that you receive accurate, repeatable results, on-time, every time throughout the lifetime of your instrument. Whether you are conducting routine raw materials validation or performing the most demanding applications analysis, your success is our top priority. Together, we can help improve your efficiency, control costs, and optimize your analysis.
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This D-Torch™ Quartz Outer Tube is used with Avio® 200 and 500 ICP-OES series instruments. The D-Torch™ provides a demountable torch design without sacrificing performance or usability. Featuring a torch body with fixed alumina intermediate tube for greater robustness, in addition to a demountable outer tube and injector, the D-Torch significantly reduces torch replacement costs for the analysis of challenging sample matrices.
Only includes outer tube, not complete D-Torch assembly.
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