TruQ Certified Reference Standards will provide you absolute confidence in your AA, ICP-OES and ICP-MS analysis, ensuring extremely accurate and consistent testing results from your laboratory instrumentation. PerkinElmer is a leading provider of atomic spectroscopy solutions. We've used our expertise to bring you a portfolio of the highest quality standards to enhance your instrument performance.
From our TruQ and TruQms Inorganic Aqueous Standards to our Metallo-Organic Standards, we offer a range of standards that are certified and tested to provide you the quality and reliability you expect, for all your application needs. At PerkinElmer, we're committed to helping you achieve success for your laboratory- starting with the standards you use everyday.
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1-25 of 382 Products & Services
Complete Reference Standards calibration kit for water quality analysis according to EPA 200.8 for ICP-MS.
Complete Reference Standards calibration kit for water quality analysis according to EPA 200.7 for AA and ICP-OES.
Multi-Element Calibration Standard Solution for NexION 350 X/D/S 1000/2000/5000 . Every PerkinElmer standard is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis.
Multi-Element Standard for ICP-MS Instrument Calibration. Every PerkinElmer standard is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis.
Multi-Element Standard for ICP-MS Instrument Calibration. Every PerkinElmer standard is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis.
Multi-Element Standard for ICP-MS Instrument Calibration. Every PerkinElmer standard is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis.
Multi-Element Standard for ICP-MS Instrument Calibration. Every PerkinElmer standard is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis.
Each Single Element Calibration Standard for ICP-MS is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis that documents the quality and reliability.
The Single Element Standard is made with acid and ASTM Type I water. Each Calibration Standard for AA and ICP is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis that documents the quality and reliability.
Each Calibration Standard for AA and ICP is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis that documents the quality and reliability.
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