Transformer Oil Gas Analyzers - Model 4087 | PerkinElmer
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Transformer Oil Gas Analyzers - Model 4087

Transformers are often one of the most substantial capital assets of an operation. Measuring levels of light gases found in an electrical transformer’s insulating oil is an effective way to monitor the health of the transformer, and identify potential problems before they begin to limit productivity. PerkinElmer offers three models of Transformer Oil Gas Analyzers (TOGA), designed to analyze trace levels of H2, CO, CO2, ethylene, ethane, acetylene, methane, and air components. PerkinElmer’s TOGA offerings can aid you in achieving your risk mitigation goals, while also ensuring long term productivity of your transformers by identifying potential maintenance and wear issues, before they cause an operational disruption.

Part Number
Product Compatibility
Detection Method
[Clarus 590 PPC]
ASTM D3612-01, Method A
Model 4003
[Clarus 590 PPC]
ASTM D3612-01, Method C
Model 4087
[Clarus 690 PPC]
ASTM D3612-01, Method C
Model 4087

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Model 4087 facilitates the analysis of headspace gases from transformer oil in support of ASTM D3612-02, Method C, utilizing a dual-channel flame ionization and thermal conductivity detector (FID/TCD). This model couples the PerkinElmer Clarus® 690 with the TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler and shaker (either the 40 or 110 position sampler can be used). The purged sampling-valve housing and passivated tubing ensures less sample absorption, while the injection port and gas sampling valve offer flexibility for the introduction of various sample types. A high capacity methanizer for maximum CO and CO2 conversion is featured on this instrument to ensure productivity and accuracy of each analysis. Detection limits on the TCD channel are 1 ppm for hydrogen and 500 ppm for oxygen and nitrogen, and the FID channel offers a detection limit of 1ppm for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, ethane, ethylene and acetylene.


Detection Method ASTM D3612-01, Method C
Product Compatibility Clarus 690 PPC
Type Model 4087
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Application Note

Dissolved Gas Analysis in Transformer Oil Using Transformer Oil Gas Analyzer and TurboMatrix HS Sampler

Transformers aid in the delivery of electricity, and issues with transformers can result in an interruption of power supply to consumers. To prevent such interruptions, transformers must be properly maintained and monitored. An effective means of conducting routine monitoring towards this goal of re ...

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