MaxSignal® Histamine Enzymatic Assay - AOAC approved | PerkinElmer
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MaxSignal® Histamine Enzymatic Assay - AOAC approved

The MaxSignal® Histamine Enzymatic Assay Kit is an AOAC approved colorimetric enzymatic assay for determination of histamine content in milk, seafood, mahi mahi, tuna, fish meal, and wine.

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  • AOAC approved histamine testing for seafood
  • Simple Protocol - Add sample and master mix to plate
  • Sensitive histamine detection - 4 ppm detection limit
  • Faster results - As little as 15 minutes from sample to results
  • Saves money - No expensive instrumentation required

The MaxSignal® Histamine Enzymatic Assay Kit is a colorimetric enzymatic assay for the determination of histamine content in fresh fish and seafood in less than 15 minutes. The kit offers efficient and solvent free sample preparation, and recovery rates consistent with the AOAC's rigorous performance standards. This product has been issued the AOAC PTM certificate number 051701, certifying that the method's performance was reviewed by AOAC Research Institute and it was found to perform according to the manufacturer's specifications. The AOAC Performance Tested Methods (PTM) program is the most widely recognized, worldwide method certification program for the reliability and performance of proprietary methods. Methods certified as Performance Tested have been found by the AOAC to perform according to manufacturer-documented claims, and are trusted by buyers for use by regulatory bodies and in the global marketplace.

Histamine is a contaminant found in improperly handled seafood. High levels of histamine in seafood can cause scombroid poisoning. Quality tuna has histamine levels below 50 ppm. The amount of histamine can be determined using ELISA or LC-MS. However these traditional methods require expensive instrumentation and time-consuming sample preparation procedures. In contrast, the MaxSignal® Histamine Enzymatic Assay Kit offers a rapid and inexpensive method allowing high throughput.

This kit is manufactured to the international quality standard ISO 9001.

  • Detection Limit:
    • Seafood (Tuna, Mahi Mahi): 3 ng/g or ppm
    • Fish Meal: 10 ng/g or ppm
    • Milk: 40 ng/g or ppm
    • Wine: 40 ng/g or ppm
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Quantity in a Package Amount 96.0 Tests
Research Areas Food & Agriculture
Sample Type Milk, Seafood, Mahi Mahi, Tuna, Fish Meal, Wine
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Application Note

DS2 Automation of MaxSignal Histamine Enzymatic Assay

Histamine is a contaminant that can be found in seafood when improperly handled or stored, causing scombroid food poisoning. The MaxSignal® Histamine Enzymatic Assay Kit enables international and government regulatory agencies, food manufacturers and processors, as well as quality assurance organiza ...

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Meat and Seafood Testing Solutions

Food testing labs like yours are constantly challenged with accurately analyzing samples quickly and efficiently - all while striving to reduce costs due to market forces. Your commitment to ensuring meat and seafood are safe for consumption, as demand increases, is an uphill battle. Our commitment ...



MaxSignal® Histamine Enzymatic Assay

Histamine is a contaminant sometimes found in seafood when improperly handled. High levels of histamine in seafood are often associated with scombroid poisoning, a bacterially induced illness from spoiled fish. Scombroid poisoning triggers acute allergic response, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, ra ...

Superior Seafood Testing all in One Place

As a leader in the food and feed safety testing industry, PerkinElmer develops, manufactures, and markets a wide range of seafood diagnostic kits for the detection of antibiotic, histamine, and phycotoxin residues. Consider PerkinElmer your one-stop-shop for seafood safety test kits!


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