PerkinElmer NetPlus | PerkinElmer
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PerkinElmer NetPlus

PerkinElmer NetPlus is a powerful networking and reporting software suite for NIR, NIT, FTIR and FTNIR instruments. Monitor your analysis results and configure your NIR instruments from anywhere, at any time. Our web based NetPlus suite provides access wherever you are.

NetPlus Reports gives you access to analysis results. Monitor production, verify quality of ingredient shipments or get an update on latest analyses. See the results in tables and charts on your laptop.

NetPlus Remote lets you configure instruments, monitor performance and update calibrations. Whether you manage one instrument or an NIR network of one hundred instruments, NetPlus Remote streamlines your tasks.

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PerkinElmer NetPlus is available for DA 7250, FT 9700, IM 9500, IM 9520 and LactoScope analyzers running Results Plus.

NetPlus Reports

Analysis results are automatically synchronized to a database after each analysis. By logging in to your account you have access to the latest results, wherever you are. All data is sent in encrypted format.

Whether an instrument is placed at raw material intake, laboratory or in production, measurement results are accessible with any connected computer. This provides an overview of all data in a convenient way allowing you to immediately take action when required. You can also view results from multiple instruments at the same time, allowing you to compare across sites.

Filter data for customized reports

Not only can you view results for a specific product or defined time range, you can also filter on tags (e.g. supplier, variety) entered by the operator at the time of analysis. Provide an overview by monitoring one or several instruments, located at different facilities.

Trend chart for each parameter

Each parameter can be viewed in a trend chart where you see analysis results over time. If you have set the NIR instrument up with product targets and limits, they will be shown in the trend chart. To get details on a particular analysis, simply click the corresponding dot in the chart and details are shown.

Table with statistics and individual sample results

A summary with statistics on your selection is displayed in table form. You can also expand the table to list every analysis, to see results for each parameter at the same time.

Export as csv file

If you want to further evaluate results in for example Excel, or if you need to use the data in other applications, just click to export your selection as a csv file. Alternatively, save the report to a pdf file.

NetPlus Remote

Management of NIR instruments is easier than ever before - whether you are responsible for one or one hundred instruments.

NetPlus Remote offers a comprehensive set of features for management and optimization of NIR instruments - for single instruments and for networks of instruments. It helps you make sure that your instruments work with optimized accuracy - using the best available calibrations and proper adjustments.

NetPlus Remote relieves local staff from instrument management, allowing your specialized support team or Perten Application specialists to take care of it.

Instrument management

  • Manage instrument configuration from your desk
  • Create standard configuration and use on multiple instruments
  • Click ”Publish” and settings are sent to selected instruments

Central control of calibrations and settings

A Global NIR manager can set up controlled Analysis Profiles using NetPlus Remote and distribute to selected instruments. On the instruments they will appear with a padlock symbol, indicating to the instrument user this profile is managed remotely.

Sites can analyze samples but not make changes to settings, calibrations or bias, removed the risk for local mistakes or misunderstandings.

Lab data import

  • Import reference values from file or by manual entry
  • Add parameters not included at the time of measurement
  • Advanced matching for non-identical sample IDs in NIR and Lab

Validation of NIR calibrations

  • NIR vs Lab in tables and charts
  • Validate single instruments or a group
  • Easy to apply recommended changes

Cloning of instruments

  • Groups of instruments can be cloned to master instrument
  • No need to connect to individual instruments – automatic synchronization to server

How NetPlus works

NetPlus is web based and data is stored on a central server. Users access the features through a browser.

Web based software offers several benefits compared to traditional PC software.

  • Access from multiple devices
  • Latest analysis data is always available
  • No software installations or updates
  • No up-front investment

Most users would work through a Perten hosted server, but a server can also be installed in a corporate network. Connected instruments automatically synchronize data on a regular basis, and intervals are set in the instrument software. Synchronization is done in the background and no intervention from the operator is necessary.

Data is sent in encrypted format. If the connection is temporarily lost, data is queued and sent when connection is available again. All data is stored per customer, completely separated from other data, and can only be accessed by authorized users.


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