Specular Reflectance Kit - GOPB Accessory | PerkinElmer
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Specular Reflectance Kit - GOPB Accessory

The Specular Reflectance Kit is an optional General Purpose Optical Bench kit. It consists of six mirrors: two square flat mirrors with a magnesium fluoride overcoat, two concave mirrors, and two convex mirrors.

Part Number PELA1011

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The General Purpose Optical Bench (GOPB) accessory enables custom optical measurement configurations using a magnetized, ruled optical bench with a movable 60 mm integrating sphere. Samples up to 400 mm in pathlength can be analyzed. The GPOB wavelength range is 190–2500 nm. The GPOB is compatible with LAMBDA 650/850/850+/950/1050/1050+ spectrometers.


Product Compatibility LAMBDA
Technology Type UV/VIS