Water-Jacketed Single Cell Holder for LAMBDA 365 | PerkinElmer
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Water-Jacketed Single Cell Holder for LAMBDA 365

This Water-Jacketed Single Cell Holder maintains temperature control for a standard 10 mm cell using recirculating liquid. It requires, but does not include, a recirculating bath. PerkinElmer offers two baths (NB0080171 and N1015158), but this holder also works with locally-sourced baths. Compatible with the LAMBDA 365 spectrometer.

Part Number N4101007

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PerkinElmer's thermostatting accessories provide highly accurate temperature control using either recirculated water or air. These accessories include water-jacketed cell holders, Peltier controllers, Peltier-controlled cell holders, stirrers, and probes.


Product Compatibility LAMBDA
Product Group Thermostatting Accessories
Technology Type UV/VIS