Hand Sanitizer Quality & Efficacy | PerkinElmer

Hand Sanitizer Quality & Efficacy

Many industries are mobilizing to produce hand sanitizers and many producers are aiming to increase their production of sanitizing products. Producers and suppliers of alcohol-based hand sanitizers need quality control solutions to ensure the safety and efficacy of their products through meeting guidelines from the FDA, WHO, USP, and other regulating bodies. From fast and simple alcohol screening that can be operated by anyone, to in-depth testing or multiple in-depth content analyses, varied hand sanitizer testing solutions are utilized depending on the needs of your business.

Several turnkey testing solutions can provide you with accurate and precise results. Discover the PerkinElmer Hand Sanitizer Testing solution that best fits your needs and gain support from the expert PerkinElmer team.

PerkinElmer Hand Sanitizer Analyzer - FT-IR for Super Simple Screening

End distributors and hand sanitizer suppliers utilize this simple and affordable screening system for ethanol, isopropanol content and harmful methanol down to 0.03%.

Fast, <1 minute clear yes/no screening of final sanitizer product and determination if it’s in adherence to FDA guidelines. The difficultly level for this analyzer is very low and there is no sample preparation needed; it is a screening tool for anyone to utilize.

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PerkinElmer - GC for Accurate Label Claim

Alcohol producers, hand sanitizer manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and contract testing labs need highly sensitive and precise analyses to avoid recalls and false positive results. They must identify and quantify raw materials for USP defined impurities and recently released FDA criteria for accurate label claims and percent of alcohol, while testing for multiple chemical compounds such as benzene, methanol and other compounds at very low detection levels.

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PerkinElmer Headspace - GC Method for Multiple In-depth Analyses

Hand sanitizer manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and contract testing labs must not only detect chemical impurities defined by USP and the FDA for accurate label claim, but they often must also perform multiple in-depth analyses to detect harmful substances like benzene and methanol at very low detection levels in raw materials.

Utilizing sampling accessories like headspace, allows manufacturers and labs to expand beyond liquid sample analysis to build deeper insights into analyzing fragrances and solids like sanitizing wipes. Gaining these insights doesn't slow you down; utilizing a headspace method is not labor intensive or laden with chemical extractions, expensive reagents or solvents, so you can get your product to market fast.

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