Wear & Additive Metals | PerkinElmer

Wear & Additive Metals

Lubricant Additive Analysis

Hydraulics, transmission fluid, and gear and engine oils are all key components for keeping heavy machinery up and running smoothly. Analyzing these components gives a clear view of the health of a machine, which helps prevent breakdowns and costly repairs. And the earlier the detection, the more reliable the machine.

While many aspects of in-service oils need to be monitored, the metal content serves as a key indicator of the engine’s condition. Our solutions for the analysis of oil additives are accurate and sensitive enough to detect the smallest trace amounts of wear metals, such as copper, iron, boron, and sodium and additives like calcium, phosphorus, and zinc - providing you with confident results.

Benefits of Analysis with the OilPrep 8 Oil Diluter and Avio® 500 ICP-OES Oils System

  • Offers the highest throughput
  • Provides advanced warning of wear problems before component failure and breakdown
  • Delivers actionable recommendations
  • Reduces the need and expense for regular equipment dismantling and inspection
  • Lowers costs by extending the life of replaceable fluids
  • Minimizes unexpected operational downtime
  • Reduces waste and environmental impact

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