Solutions for Polymer Identification & Characterization | PerkinElmer
Polymer identification

Polymer Identification

A critical factor in identifying the source of a microplastic particle is the additives used to enhance polymer performance. PerkinElmer’s family of advanced Infrared (IR) spectroscopy solutions can be used for polymer identification and quantitation as well as the identification of organic and inorganic additives. From the Spotlight200i and Spotlight 400 IR imaging systems to the portable, fast and easy-to-use Spectrum Two IR system, all our solutions are outfitted with ready-made protocols, materials library, and unique Spectrum Touch software. These are instruments of choice for researchers involved in the identification and quantification of synthetic polymer microbeads, as well as for analyzing other compounds in water – everything from visible plastic to below – 100 µm microplastics.

Another common approach is a hyphenated technique with thermal analysis or pyrolysis, combined with GC/MS (TGS-GC/MS) for high-sensitivity analysis of polymers and their organic additives (as well as characterization of particles below 100 µm). ICP-MS analysis is also used for identification and analysis of inorganic additives in the polymers and plastics.

  • Polymer Identification Content

Polymer Identification Content

Analysis of Microplastics in Suspended Solids with TG-GC/MS

Microplastics are a major concern due to their impact on the environment. There is growing research into microplastics, typically submillimeter in size, and which often end up in waterways and oceans. They remain in a suspended state and can be ingested by marine organisms; thereby entering and accu ...

FT-IR Microscopic Analysis of Microplastics in Bottled Water

Bottled water is marketed as being the clean and pure alternative to drinking tap water. However, there is increasing opposition to the use of single-use plastic bottles and the fact that they end up in the environment either as intact bottles, or as secondary microplastics when they do break down i ...

Microplastics and their Alternatives for Intentional Use in Products Environmental Agency Austria Poster

This poster describes analytical application example of FT-IR microspectroscopy for microplastic analysis which are used as exfoliating microbeads in cosmetics and personal care products

Polymer Identification Using the PerkinElmer Mid-Infrared Polymer Analysis System

Synthetic polymers are widely used today, with diverse applications in various industries such as food, automotive, and packaging. The quality of plastic products depends on the quality of the polymers or polymer blends used during manufacturing. Identity verification and quality testing of those ma ...

The Advantages of Mid-IR Spectroscopy for Polymer Recycling

Application Note, IR Spectroscopy, Polymer Recycling, Plastic Indentification Code, PIC, packaging materials, Spectrum Two, Diamond ATR, Mid-Infrared, Attenuated Total Reflectance, PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, Frontier, molecular spectroscopic

Advanced Solutions for Polymers And Plastics Poster

Poster summarizing solutions of thermal analysis, molecular spectroscopy, chromatography and hyphenated techniques for polymers focused on providing more insight into product performance and process optimization that make easier

Polymer Lifecycle Challenges

Understand the Challenges, Trends & Opportunities of the Polymer Industry. Want to know what the future might look like for plastic manufacturers and recyclers? The whole industry has undergone tremendous change and continues to do so. Manufacturing and recycling are drawing closer, in order to meet ...

The Environmental Impact of Microplastics

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that form as a result of the plastic content in consumer products and the breakdown of large plastics. Once they have entered the environment, microplastics become pollutant, causing harm to the environment.

Polymer Identification Technology

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