Fast Filter Accessory | PerkinElmer
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Fast Filter Accessory

The plug-n-play fast filter accessory enables analysis of rapid intracellular ion movements into and out of cells (signal transduction) using ratiometric fluorescent probes The fast filter accessory rapidly rotates a paired set of bandpass filters (not included) aligned to the fluorophore under investigation.

Part Number N4201028

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Bandpass filters are easily mounted and interchanged through the fast filters’ accessory quick mount in the excitation or emission beams.

Used with our Flow cell 10 x 10 mm Quartz with stopper or stirring cell 10 x 10 mm Quartz with stopper. Filters can easily be snapped in by the customer. Compatible with a magnetic stirrer assembly. Controls the temperature by water circulation.

Filters and cells are sold separately and listed in the consumables section.